Trenchless Australasia December 2023
Rodney O'Meley provides insights to Maxibor's holistic approach to HDD project management. A combination of very experienced HDD design, management and drilling personnel led by an owner who lives and breathes HDD consistently provides clients with successfully delivered projects. Key to this is the management of risk particularly those around geotechnical investigation, pilot hole and the pipe pull processes.
Click here to see Maxibor's view of HDD project costs and risks.
The Australian Pipeliner September 2023
As technology continues to evolve, the trenchless industry can benefit greatly from AI. In this article Maxibor’s CEO Rodney O’Meley explains how AI technology provides the opportunity to better use specific data and efficiently access broader information to help optimise the design and delivery of HDD projects. The art of integrating AI technology with human experience will be one of the keys to the industry adding future value.
Click here to see how you can maximise value with Maxibor.
Trenchless Australasia August 2023
Rodney O’Meley provides further insights into the challenges and future growth of HDD and tunnelling activities in the Australian infrastructure sector. Key to the success of the industry will be collaboration across the various stakeholders. Those working together to achieve common objectives and address mutual challenges with innovative and sustainable solutions will be the ones that add the most value to their businesses and to the broader stakeholder community. O’Meley explains how Maxibor is applying this collaborative approach through forging long-lasting relationships within the industry, along the supply chain and with allied professional services providers.
Click here to see how you can maximise value with Maxibor.
Logan Water Demonstration August 2023
Maxibor's David Turner has recently provided informative HDD sessions to Logan Water staff. Maxibor is more than happy to provide practical information HDD design and delivery sessions to other industry participants.
Click here to read the full article
Trenchless December 2022
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is seen as one of the higher risk areas in the infrastructure sector. Climate change is further increasing this risk as extreme weather events become more frequent. This article highlights some of the key factors to understand about contract works and equipment insurance policies to ensure adequate cover is in place in this changing risk environment.
Click here to see how you can maximise value with Maxibor.
Australian Pipeliner November 2022
This article provides insights for asset owners, principal contractors, design engineers and project advisors on how to maximise value on infrastructure projects requiring an HDD maxi-rig spread solution.
Click here to see how you can maximise value with Maxibor.
Inside Water September 2022
This article provides thought leadership on getting the best out of your HDD provider from a design, engineering and delivery perspective. Valuable advice for infrastructure asset owners, principal contractors, design engineers and broader stakeholders alike.
Click here to see how you can benefit from our HDD leadership thoughts.
Trenchless Australasia August 2022
At Maxibor we have taken steps to practically apply the use of HDD to help overcome the environmental challenges that the community now faces from climate change. This article demonstrates how HDD can be an important part of the solutions to achieve the goals and values of ESG (Environmental, Social Governance).
Click here to see how Maxibor and HDD can help with the climate change challenge.
Inside Water July 2022
Stephen Loneragan of HDD Engineering has lived and breathed Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) design and engineering in Australia and overseas since the early 1990s. His forthright perspective on the HDD industry tells it how it was and is now. Loneragan takes Inside Water through what can be done to enable HDD to add more value to the installation of pipelines across the Australian infrastructure sector.
Click here to see Horizontal directional drilling – then to the future.
Pipeliner May 2022
Maxibor has been highlighting for several years now that the current condition of Australian infrastructure makes it all much more susceptible to impact of severe climate events in the form of wind, fire, flood, erosion, drought and inundation. Rain bombs can now be added to that list.
Click here to see how Maxibor and HDD can help with the climate change challenge.
Pipeliner March 2022
If the mud pumps are down, the drilling stops. This article highlights how Maxibor’s two Gardner Denver PZ9 pumps with 1000HP engines and two Gardner Denver PZ8 pumps with 750 HP engines are the workhorses supporting its fleet of maxi-rigs to deliver HDD bores in excess of 2km.
Click here to read about Maxibor Maxibor’s powerful pumps.
Trenchless February 2022
Maxibor’s David Turner provides insights into how the Australian infrastructure sector is going through a significant growth and change phase as the world emerges post-covid and refocuses on the economy and environment. The Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) sector is well set to play a significant role in designing and delivering infrastructure projects which are part of the economic recovery and provide climate change mitigation solutions.
Click here to see how Maxibor can help design and deliver your HDD projects
Utility February 2022
There is increasing awareness across the utility industry that Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) can provide an effective whole of life solution for the installation of pipelines. In this article Maxibor’s CEO and owner Rodney O’Meley provides insights into maxi-rig spreads and highlights the benefits of using HDD maxi-rigs on major projects by utilities and other infrastructure asset owners
Click here to read more about Maxibor’s maxi-rig fleet.
Trenchless December 2021
Maxibor has brought together one of the largest HDD maxi-rig fleets in Australia. This article provides insights into the how maxi-rigs are playing a vital role in the installation of infrastructure across Australia. With four maxi-rigs including the electric Gallagher 660e rig and four of the most powerful pumps to enable bores over one kilometre, Maxibor is well placed to take on the design and delivery of any sized project in Australia.
Click here to read more about Maxibor’s maxi-rig fleet.
ASTT 30th Anniversary December 2021
Maxibor is proud to be featured in the ASTT 30th Anniversary Edition. With an involvement in the HDD industry spanning over four decades, Maxibor’s people have the experience to design and install infrastructure in all sectors across Australia. Maxibor’s maxi-rig spreads can take on any sized projects in all ground conditions. The addition of The Hulk, an electric Gallagher 660e rig and four powerful pumps will see Maxibor playing an important role in the progress of the HDD industry in Australia.
Click here to read more about Maxibor’s contribution to the HDD industry.
Utility November 2021
The article highlights how HDD design and delivery solutions are playing an important part in achieving infrastructure asset resilience in the face of climate change challenges. The need for early involvement of HDD expertise in infrastructure projects is being called upon by leading engineering design professionals and leading HDD providers like Maxibor.
Click here to read more about how HDD supports asset resilience in the face of climate change
Trenchless September 2021
Good practices in HDD project management
Maxibor has established a leading presence in the Australian horizontal directional drilling market through its innovative design, skilled staff, a large fleet of well-maintained rigs, a network of valued suppliers, contractors and broader industry connect plus a strong focus on safety, environment and quality.
Click here to read more about good practices in HDD project management.
Utility August 2021
The article highlights how Intelligent HDD design solutions offer significant project and whole of life asset economies as well as helping to preserve the environment and cultural heritage. It provides insights into how Maxibor’s collaborative approach to design and delivery enabled emergency works to be completed to secure the water supply to Lamb Island off the coast of Queensland.
There is also information on how Maxibor’s electrified Gallagher HDD660e maxi-rig (The Hulk) opens up exciting new opportunities for its use on HDD projects across Australia.
Click here to read more about how intelligent design solutions provide value
Pipeliner July 2021
Maxibor prepares an HDD Construction Methodology document to provide a comprehensive overview of the processes involved in the physical delivery of major projects and to demonstrate how key activities and issues specific to the project are to be managed.
In this article we discuss our methodologies around the specific areas of Drilling Fluids and HDD alignment Design and Hydrofracture Analysis.
Click here to read more about how intelligent design solutions provide value
Trenchless December 2020
Maxibor CEO Rodney O’Meley provides an insight into the importance of value over price for successful delivery of trenchless projects and winning future work.
The article highlights how asset owners, Tier 1s and major contractors are looking for value to be brought to both the project and to their business through a strong enduring relationship with their trenchless providers. A low, one-off transactional price will clearly not optimise value in the long run.
Click here to read more about how value beats price in the long run.
National Resources Review December 2020
Maxibor, collaboration with stakeholders leading to creative pipeline project solutions.
This article provides insights into the application of Maxibor’s integrated HDD design and drilling methodology development processes. It also provides examples of opportunities where this approach can help deliver value adding solutions.
Maxibor CEO Rodney O’Meley says “Our approach is developed within an integrated disciplined framework, with the HDD design and methodology development processes requiring a wide range of engineering, HDD operations and commercial knowledge to achieve successful installation”.​
Click here to read more about how the infrastructure sector is responding to Maxibor’s strategic, knowledge sharing and cooperative approach around the delivery of trenchless and civil projects.
Trenchless December 2020
Maxibor CEO Rodney O’Meley provides an insight into the importance of value over price for successful delivery of trenchless projects and winning future work.
The article highlights how asset owners, Tier 1s and major contractors are looking for value to be brought to both the project and to their business through a strong enduring relationship with their trenchless providers. A low, one-off transactional price will clearly not optimise value in the long run.
Click here to read more about how value beats price in the long run.
Trenchless September 2020
“The benefit of Maxibor’s HDD knowledge, and just as importantly, the willingness to share that knowledge, is able to add value at the design, bid and delivery stages of client’s projects”- Maxibor CEO Rodney O’Meley.
This article highlights how the on-going success of Maxibor is underpinned by building Relationships, gaining Respect and providing Response. Others across the infrastructure sector are recognising that Maxibor’s cooperative approach is the right way for others to follow, especially in these challenging pandemic, economic, environmental and social times.
Click here to read more about how the infrastructure sector is responding to Maxibor’s strategic, knowledge sharing and cooperative approach.
Queensland Tenders and Contractors Review August 2020
Most major rail, road, water and sewer, gas, power, telecommunications, data centres, fuel, sea cable, rail and mining projects are involving HDD solutions in their projects.
Maxibor is showcased in this widely read Queensland based publication which highlights that Maxibor’s knowledge cooperative sharing approach is assisting its clients across these sectors better understand trenchless design and construct solutions for infrastructure projects.
The article also highlights how Maxibor has been kept busy through these challenging times on projects across states and these sectors.
Click here to read more about how Maxibor is a dynamic business leading the horizontal directional industry.
Pipeliner July 2020
Generally HDD can be considered obstacle avoidance technology solving challenges presented by areas such as hilly and undulating terrain, environmentally sensitive areas, mine and tailing dam dewatering, high bushfire prone areas and cultural heritage sites.
Maxibor is using its experienced HDD design engineering capabilities working cooperatively alongside asset owners, engineering design firms and T1 contractors to help provide intelligent and creative solutions to these and other complex pipeline project challenges.
Click here to read more about how Maxibor’s HDD design and drilling methodology development processes can solve your complex infrastructure challenges.
Trenchless June 2020
Maxibor shares its knowledge and expertise on bore design and development of drilling methodology in the June 2020 issue of Trenchless Australasia. The article also provides thought leadership on rock testing methodologies and Rate of Penetration (ROP) as a measure to determine the value of variations.
Maxibor frequently puts forward alternative design solutions to clients to help achieve better outcomes and has applied its integrated design and drilling methodology development process to more complex projects, demonstrating the benefits of the disciplined and cooperative approach.
Click here to read more about Maxibor’s HDD design and drilling methodology development processes.
Trenchless June 2020
The article highlights the benefits that Logan City Council has seen in using HDD to complete its longest underground drilling program in the Queensland city’s history. Contending with very difficult geological conditions, Maxibor was able to successfully complete Council’s longest ever single bore of 1.320km. The project also had a number of firsts in Australia including the use of the latest underground magnetic guidance systems to a depth of over 50m and the install on a wastewater project of High Stress Crack Resistant (HSCR) polyethylene pipe.
There also good engineering, local procurement and environmental outcomes with the design providing improved hydraulics through undulating ground, over 80 local people being employed on the project and minimal environmental impact by not disturbing waterways and reduced vegetation clearing through a koala sensitive habitat.
Click here to read more about the project and the benefits of using HDD.
Trenchless March 2020
The article “Maxibor guides HDD in the right direction” highlights how Maxibor is utilising the latest guidance technology to further de-risk its horizontal directional drilling projects across Australia.
The stronger frequency transmitters on the magnetic guidance systems are now capable of providing readings from depths of up to 100m, saving valuable time and significantly enhancing the accuracy of the bore alignment.
Maxibor’s design and construct of the recently completed 1.320km 500mm wastewater pipeline for Logan City Council utilised a Mag 8 guidance system for the bore which was over 50m at its deepest point.
Click here to read more about the latest guidance technology that Maxibor is using.
Trenchless December 2019
The article “Maxibor Putting Logan in Seventh Heaven” highlights Maxibor’s design and construct of a 1.320km 500mm pipeline using its Vermeer 330x500 maxi-rig.
The bore was part of a Logan City Council project connecting the Greater Flagstone Priority Development Area with the Cedar Grove sewerage treatment plant. The 1.320km bore is the longest HDD bore completed in Council’s history.
The total project required 2.8km of HDD bores with six other bores ranging in length from 175m to 400m, with pipe sizes of between 450mm and 560mm. The smaller bores were completed using two Vermeer 100x120 rigs.
Click here to read more about the project and how Maxibor successfully manages long bore projects such as this.
Maxibor rescues joey during bushfires in Queensland
CEO Rodney O’Meley took the joey from its mother’s pouch and contacted Wildcare Australia, with the joey now safely in the hands of the rescue organisation.
At a recent award event Rodney was recognised by Logan Water Infrastructure Alliance for his caring actions along with Maxibor and other staff for outstanding performances around environment (saving water), community (engaging local businesses), leadership (difficult bores) and workplace mental health (being happy).
These socially responsible actions provide just some of the demonstrated evidence that Maxibor is delivering outcomes that help build a future we all look forward to.
To read this article click here
Australian Mining Review September 2019
This article featured Maxibor’s HDD project at Yancoal’s Mount Thorley mine in the NSW Hunter Valley which required the under-road install of 4x180m electrical conduit PN12.5 HDPE. The bore diameter was expanded to 550mm using one of Maxibor’s Vermeer 100x120 horizontal directional drilling rigs.
Use of HDD on mine sites provides mine owners with solutions which are safer, are much less prone to damage by other site activity, and minimise impact on other infrastructure.
Maxibor is more than happy to discuss with those involved in the mining sector how HDD can provide a solution to their mine site infrastructure needs.
To read this article click here
Trenchless September 2019
Maxibor’s article “Delivering More with a Long Bore” highlights that asset owners are increasingly using long bore solutions for the installation of their infrastructure assets.
The article highlights several opportunities for the use of innovative and collaborative long bore solutions and the benefits asset owners can achieve.
Key decision makers, whether they be from infrastructure asset owners, government, business or the wider community, are encouraged to read this article click here to better understand how they can benefit from long bore HDD solutions.
The article was also published in the October 2019 issue of the Australian Pipeliner Magazine.
Maxibor is more than happy to assist any interested stakeholders on how working in collaborative manner we can achieve better outcomes for all stakeholders.
Trenchless June 2019
Maxibor’s article of “Unlocking Trenchless Knowledge” reflects on how asset owners and principal contractors can achieve significant time and cost savings and better outcomes from projects by involving experienced and collaborative design and construct HDD providers such as Maxibor in the early planning and design stages of a project or program of works. Unlocking that knowledge early in the decision-making processes will help optimise outcomes for all stakeholders.
The article also stresses that trenchless providers need to better share knowledge across the trenchless industry and wider supply chain to be better positioned to achieve sustainable profitability and build the value of the business asset for shareholders.
Working together to unlock the knowledge in the trenchless technology industry is the best way to optimise outcomes for all stakeholders.
To see how Maxibor is sharing the knowledge click here for the full article.
Trenchless March 2019
Maxibor’s article on “The Future Direction of HDD” highlights that all businesses must manage change and those in the HDD game are no exception. As we move into the next decade, at Maxibor we see several challenges and opportunities which will require a rethink of strategies to optimise outcomes for HDD providers, customers and other stakeholders.
The process to address these challenges is to work in a collaborative manner with key stakeholders across the HDD delivery chain. Those HDD providers that have well developed Relationship, Respect and Response with stakeholders will be best positioned to successfully address these challenges and optimise outcomes from both opportunities and challenges.
To see what Challenges and Opportunities Maxibor sees ahead and how they are being managed click here for the full article.
Trenchless December 2018
Maxibor’s article “Navigating the Maze of an HDD Project” demonstrates how integrated strategic and project management practices at Maxibor are helping to optimise outcomes for all stakeholders on Maxibor’s HDD projects.
The article provides insights into how a proactive and collaborative approach around key strategic and operational activities will better help achieve operational broader corporate objectives for all stakeholders. Aligning project planning, project delivery, commercial and financial management, social outcomes and business development activities back to the corporate objectives of stakeholders will provide a much smoother path for the delivery of the project.
To see how Maxibor navigates the maze of an HDD project click here for the full article.
Trenchless June 2018
Maxibor’s article on “HDD in the Spotlight” highlights the steps Maxibor has been taking to better promote the HDD industry. Exposure has been achieved in print, television, industry publications and digital news. Maxibor has also collaborated with other trenchless stakeholders to allow their projects to be part of presentations at forums and other media.
A notable uptake of the activities of Maxibor and the benefits of HDD was reflected in NBN Co’s widely publicised Warrell Creek crossing. This highlighted both the environmental and community benefits of the using HDD to provide infrastructure installation solutions.
To see how HDD has been in the spotlight click here for the full article.
Trenchless December 2017
Maxibor Australia is featured in the December 2017 issue of the Trenchless Australasia magazine. In an article titled “Leading the Way” it highlights the success of the collaborative approach which Maxibor is consistently adopting with principal contractors and asset owners alike to achieve better outcomes for all stakeholders.
Maxibor is also increasingly focusing on broader outcomes as well as it becomes more involved in helping Indigenous Australians participate in the civil construction and renewables sectors.
Click here to see the full article.
The current and previous issues of the magazine can be found here.
More Info?
Useful Links
If you need help with any project where a trenchless solution may be an option please feel to contact our Maxibor HDD experts David Turner on 0499 375 511 or Guy Angus on 0488 375 552 or click here and we will be in touch.